Parent Bloggers Network

Monday, 8 August 2011


If I had the time, I would write about my new found love of Spanish cuisine.

If I had the time, I would write about how concerned I am at the staggering difference a week's lack of exercise and over-indulgence has made to the texture of my thighs.

If I had the time, I would write about how sad I feel that we won't hear Amy's sweet voice again.

If I had the time, I would write about the ever increasing pile of books I really want to read.

If I had the time, I would write how, for the first time, I am eagerly anticipating the arrival of Autumn and whether or not that correlates to my age.

If I had the time, I would write about my cunning shortcut to familiarising myself with certain of Shakespeare's plays - a selection of "written for children" volumes acquired from my local charity shop - my six year old providing a perfect excuse.

If I had the time, I would write about how I long to go wild swimming before the water temperature dips low enough to guarantee hypothermia.

If I had the time, I would write about my quest to perfect the silent movie star arched brow before my face falls so far south the whole concept is futile.

If I had the time, I would.  But I don't because I am toiling over my book and you lot are distracting me!